Conserve While You Shop

October 29, 2018

Spinner kite.\Photo by Kirt Edblom.
Spinner kite.\Photo by Kirt Edblom.

There are many ways to support Oregon Shores’ work to preserve our public shoreline and coastal resources.  Join or renew membership, donate, gift stock to us, leave a bequest.  But there is also another way, one you will never notice once you set it up, but will keep contributing in the background.  There are two opportunities to funnel support to Oregon Shores as you do your regular shopping.  Both Fred Meyer and Amazon have community support programs in which we are participating.  In both cases, you can send money our way without spending an extra penny.

Fred Meyer’s Community Rewards program divides up $2.5 million each year among non-profit organizations whose members or other supporters designate them as beneficiaries. If you shop at Fred Meyer, please consider helping Oregon Shores to protect the coast with every purchase.  The more people who link their purchases to Oregon Shores, the larger the percentage of the pool of funds which will come our way to support coastal conservation.

Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Oregon Shores at You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number, FT512. Once you’ve done this, every time you use your Rewards Card, you help to build Oregon Shores’ stake in the company’s annual charitable giving.

Purchasers still earn Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates—their own benefits as shoppers aren’t reduced. If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store. For more information about the program, see here.

Amazon as a retailer bestrides the world like a colossus, but now the company is sharing a little of its largesse with non-profits through its AmazonSmile Foundation.  By designating your favorite non-profit group, which we hope is Oregon Shores, you can assure that a small share of the purchase price will go to support the organization’s work.

Go to if you would like to help Oregon Shores the next time you shop online through Amazon.  You can use your regular account, and everything else will remain the same, but .5% of each purchase goes to us.  For more information about the program, go here.