Report a Stranded Marine Mammal
ALIVE, HEALTHY, AND RELATIVELY SAFE FROM HUMANS? For example, if the animal has 'hauled out' on an offshore rock or looks well protected from humans and dogs, just click "Cancel" at the bottom of this page. Please stay at least 100 feet away.
IS THE ANIMAL DEAD, INJURED, OR DISTRESSED? If you find a marine mammal on the beach, recently dead or obviously injured, please use this page to send a report to Jim Rice, OMMSN Coordinator, or call (541) 270-6830, as soon as possible. Provide as much information as you can, but don't be too concerned if you need to leave a few of the items blank.
LINKS TO MORE INFORMATION: The Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network provides a wealth of resources on marine mammals, including excellent identification tips and photos. They also have downloadable Caution signs you can print out and post near live animals. There's lots more West-coast info at NOAA's National Marine Mammal Laboratory. More information about stranding networks nationwide can be found at NOAA's Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program.
Marine mammals are protected by federal law. It is illegal for unauthorized persons to disturb, handle, or feed them.