Take Action
Here you will find calls to action -- opportunities to write letters, make calls, or send emails about a land use decision or policy matter, attend a hearing or a rally, or help with an ongoing project or campaign.
Speak Up About the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan
The written public comment period for the Coos Bay EMP (CBEMP), Phase 1, has just ended, and Coos County has submitted the proposed plan updates to the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) for consideration. Following the DLCD review is the CBEMP amendment adoption process, which will include multiple local public hearings, providing community members the opportunity to shape the plan by providing testimony.
Find the schedule of public meetings on the CBEMP, and additional background, in our website article and Take Action section.
Planning Commission meetings held in July:
- Coos County Planning Commission meeting–7/6/23 at 7 pm
- Coos Bay Planning Commission meeting–7/11/23 at 6 pm
- North Bend Planning Commission meeting–7/17/23 at 7 pm
*Changes can be made to the proposed EMP based on feedback and public comments at these meetings
Pre-approval vote of the plan:
- Coos County Board of Commissioners Hearing (virtual)--7/18/23 at 1:30 pm
- Few changes to the EMP will be made after this vote
City Council work sessions:
- North Bend City Council Work Session–7/24/23 at 4:30 pm
- Coos Bay City Council Work Session–7/25/23 at 6 pm
Final public hearings and adoption votes in August:
- Coos Bay City Council Hearing–8/15/23 at 6 pm
- Coos Bay Vote on the Plan
- North Bend City Council Hearing–8/22/2023 at 7 pm
- North Bend Vote on the Plan
- County Board of Commissioners Hearing–9/6/2023 1:30pm
- Final, Coos County Vote to adopt the Plan
Go to our CBEMP comment guide for more information about the plan, our key concerns, and how to voice your opinion
Public Comment Period on Yaquina Bay Now Underway
The draft products of the Yaquina Bay EMP (YBEMP) were released to the public last week, and are available here.
The public comment period has now begun. Written feedback on the proposed plan and maps will be received through July 9. Comments can be made through the above website, or by emailing ethan@willamettepartnership.org directly.
A total of three local “town halls” will also be held: July 6 in Newport, July 10 in Toledo, and online on July 11. Members of the community can attend to learn more about the proposed plan updates and provide verbal and written feedback. See the event listings on the Land page for details.
Our YBEMP comment guide, designed to help both Lincoln County residents and other interested Oregonians write impactful comments on the plan content, can be found here.
On June 28, hosted a webinar (together with Lincoln City Audubon) on the Yaquina Bay EMP planning process and the ecology of Yaquina Bay. You can find a recording of this event on our YouTube channel. Keep an eye on our website article to learn more about key dates and avenues for engagement.
Oppose Bill Weakening Estuary Protection
The protections for Oregon’s estuaries contained in our land use planning system would be eviscerated by House Bill 3382, which has now passed the Oregon Legislature despite overwhelming opposition by conservation groups and community members. The bill was introduced at the behest of the Oregon Public Ports Association, in an attempt to circumvent environmental regulation that might limit development schemes depending on deep dredging of Oregon estuaries.
The last chance to stop this bill, which could lead to catastrophic damage to the Coos Bay estuary, and creates a terrible precedent in changing the land use laws to cater to a single private interest, is to ask the Governor to veto it.. Comment to the Governor here.
If you wish to send more detailed comments, you can do so by contact the Governor's assistant for natural resource, Geoff Huntington, geoff.huntington@oregon.gov.
HB 3382 in its original form would have essentially eliminated land use planning for all of the state’s deepwater ports (those with navigation channels deeper than 37 feet). The immediate instigation is obviously the Port of Coos Bay’s scheme to develop a container port, but the bill would also have barred application of land use laws to ports in Yaquina Bay (Newport), Astoria, and Portland. Had this bill been in effect, Oregon Shores and our allies would not have been able to block development of the Jordan Cove LNG terminal proposed for Coos Bay’s North Spit. The amended version that was eventually passed, after strong opposition pushed legislators into a compromise, doesn't remove port development from the land use laws, which reduces the harm somewhat. Instead, it makes deep dredging of Coos Bay an allowable "exception" to provisions of local plans that protect estuarine resources. This would still allow dredging and port development that would otherwise violate land use laws, and still represents hasty tinkering with the land use laws at the behest of a special interest.
The bill was introduced just before the deadline for submitting bills this session, and then began moving quickly, indicating that proponents had been setting this up behind the scenes.. For information about the bill’s status, and to register to testify submit written testimony at the next opportunity, see the bill’s page on the Oregon Legislative Information site. This page also has links to information about the representatives and senators sponsoring the bill. Letters or e-mails of protest to them might have particular impact. For more information about legislators to contact, see the end of this alert.
Talking points to consider in writing to the Governor:
- The bill would gravely weaken the land use planning system as it applies to the coast to cater to a special interest.
- The bill would open the way to major new dredging through eelgrass beds and other habitat areas in our largest estuary without careful review of environmental impacts.
- Estuaries are critical coastal ecosystems, essential links between land and sea. They nurture a variety of species of interest to people such as salmon, Dungeness crab, herring, oysters, clams, and migratory waterfowl. Intact estuarine systems can enhance water quality, provide buffering from storms, and sequester carbon. They provide recreational opportunities for both residents and tourists. Our land use laws don’t prevent all development, but they do require careful consideration before actions are allowed which might damage these public resources. It would be reckless to remove the stop signs that ensure caution and allow ports to barrel ahead with development schemes.
- Counties and cities have estuary management plans (EMPs) for these precious places. As it happens, the EMP for Coos Bay is in the midst of update processes at present. No consideration has been given to the chaos that would be created if this bill should pass. Local jurisdictions would either have to scramble to revise comprehensive plans, or have plans that had become meaningless for significant portions of their territories. The Coos Bay EMP process should be allowed to work. (See the Land section of this website for more information about that.)
- The bill could severely damage Oregon’s land use planning system to no purpose whatever. The likelihood of the Port of Coos Bay managing to develop a container port is highly questionable. HB 3382 could do serious harm to Oregon’s 50-year tradition of careful land use planning for the sake of a pipe dream.
For information about Oregon Shores’ position on the bill, contact Phillip Johnson, Conservation Director, (503) 754-9303, phillip@oregonshores.org.
If your senator or representative is on the Joint Committee on Transportation, your message can be particularly effective.
If one of your legislators is on the Joint Committee on Transportation, you can have a targeted impact by e-mail or calling them:
Sen. Chris Gorsek (Gresham, Fairview, Troutdale and Wood Village)
Rep. Susan McLain (West Hillsboro, Cornelius, and Forest Grove)
Sen. Lew Frederick (N and NE Portland)
Sen. Aaron Woods (Charbonneau, King City, Metzger, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville, SE Beaverton)
Rep. Paul Evans (Independence, Monmouth, North and West Salem)
Rep. Nancy Nathanson (Eugene)
Rep. Khanh Pham (SE Portland)
You can also make a point of contacting these coastal legislators who sponsored by bill (this will be particularly effective if you are in their district, but you could also write to them if you live inland by expressing your concern as a frequent visitor who is drawn by the natural environment of the coast).
Sen. Dick Anderson (Lincoln City)
Sen. David Brock Smith (South Coast)
Sen. Suzanne Webber (Tillamook)
Rep. Court Boice (Curry County)
Rep. David Gomberg (Lincoln and Lane counties)
Rep. Cyrus Javadi (North Coast)
Rep. Boomer Wright (Coos Bay)
Support Natural Climate Solutions bill
Oregon Shores has joined many other conservation groups in support of the Natural Climate Solutions Bill, SB 530, a key piece of climate legislation being considered in Salem this legislative session.This bill would establish a fund to support natural climate solution initiatives and track carbon sequestration goals. It would also provide resources to help coastal and inland ranchers, farmers, and landowners adopt better land-management practices that keeps carbon in the ground.
The bill was passed by the committee April 6, getting over its first hurdle, and now goes to the Senate floor. To track the bill, go here.
Public comments are needed now. Here is a template letter, along with background information.
Natural Climate Solutions include:
- Planting more trees in urban areas;
- Protecting and recovering watersheds and wetlands;
- Planting cover crops on agricultural lands;
- Lengthened logging rotations on private lands;
- Protecting mature and old-growth forests on public lands; and
- Protecting coastal communities from storm surges and flooding.
From the joint statement Oregon Shores has endorsed:
“Natural climate solutions are key to achieving net zero emissions by no later than 2050, which is what scientific consensus has concluded is necessary to avoid irreversible catastrophic climate impacts. At the same time, practices that sequester and store carbon can also make our lands and waters more resilient to climate extremes. Building climate resilience is essential as drought, wildfires, and extreme temperatures continue to threaten Oregon’s water supply, agriculture yields, and other natural resource sectors. These solutions also offer additional co-benefits such as better wildlife habitat, access to clean drinking water, and improved access to nature.
By providing incentives and technical support to forest owners, farmers, and ranchers to implement natural climate solutions on natural and working lands, SB 530 will help maximize carbon sequestration and climate resiliency on our forests, agricultural lands, and wetlands and improve the health of Oregon communities and our natural resource economy. In doing so, this legislation will position Oregon to leverage billions of dollars in new federal funding and private investments in climate-smart land management practices.”
However, this impactful climate bill is halted on the Senate floor as the Joint Committee on Ways and Means deliberates its fate. The legislative budget this year is tight, so there is a chance funding for this bill could be gutted in the work session, rendering the legislation useless. It is critical to take action to make sure SB 530 is fully funded, to ensure Oregonians will have the financial resources needed to foster climate resilience and meet carbon reduction targets.
If the bill is to move forward with funding, an upwelling of support from citizens is needed. Contact the Joint Committee on Ways and Means and ask tht they fully fund SB 530.This is one action you can take to directly fight the climate crisis and help ensure Oregon is prepared.
Help Preserve Access at Lighthouse Beach
Public access has been threatened to Lighthouse Beach, a popular and well-loved stretch of shoreline near Charleston in Coos County. We stand with our colleagues in the Surfrider Foundation in working to restore the public’s long-standing access, which has now been blocked. We ask all those concerned with public access to help by contributing to the legal effort that Surfrider is heading up.
Members of the public have used a footpath off Lighthouse Way to reach this special beach for generations, but current landowners have now fenced it off. Surfrider members, Oregon Shores members (including two of our board members!) and members of the public need this pathway (the only viable means of getting to the beach here) to reach the shore not only for surfing and other recreation, but also as stewards of the beach and community.
We’re working with Surfrider’s legal team, which has filed a lawsuit, seeking what is known as a "prescriptive easement," coming to trial in April. (For more details, see the article in the Land section of this website.) They need our support to continue this work. Donations to this campaign will support the effort to restore access to Lighthouse Beach, including helping to fund attorneys' fees incurred by retaining outside expert counsel. Any excess funds will be used for stewardship at Lighthouse Beach.
Join a Citizen Scientist Project
Oregon coast citizen science projects are both seasonal and year-round. Some take place in the dunes and others in the rocky habitats or on the sandy beach. All projects consist of monitoring and surveying, and contribute information that teaches us about the health of our sea, beaches, waters and shores. Through CoastWatch, volunteers are encouraged to work with our conservation partners including local non-profits and researchers at colleges such as the University of Washington, University of Oregon, University of California and Oregon State University to monitor and survey plants and wildlife on the Oregon coast. To learn more about these opportunities, visit our Citizen Science Projects page.
Adopt a Mile of the Coast
One way to take action now, for those who are not already CoastWatchers, is to adopt a CoastWatch mile. It is our goal to attain coverage of every mile of the Oregon coast through CoastWatch on a regular basis. You can help us reach this goal by adopting a mile that is not receiving regular coverage.
Ditch Single-Use Plastic Straws
Plastic straws are among the most common items found at Portland Chapter Surfrider cleanups – both on the Oregon coast and in Portland! They are also one of the most common items found elsewhere in the country. They not biodegradable, which means that every plastic straw created is still around in some form. Plastic has a huge impact on our ecosystems, wildlife and people, and it is the chapter’s goal to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in the environment.
In August 2017, the Portland Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation launched the DitchTheStrawPDX program in the Portland-Metro area. The mission of the program is to assist businesses in reducing the number of plastic straws used by their customers. The chapter provides support to these businesses who agree to go straw free for an entire month as a pilot program demonstrating that paper straws are a sustainable, cost-effective alternative.
Are You a Business Interested in Participating? Join their movement to reduce plastic straw pollution by piloting a straw-on-request program for one month. Eliminate plastic straws by only providing paper straws upon request. Click Here & Help Be Part of the Solution.
Are you an individual who wants to participate? Next time you’re out, simply ask for no straw, post a photo and tag (@SurfriderPortland) and #DitchTheStrawPDX on social media! They need your help to spread the word and the message. Interested in supporting this program as a volunteer? Contact ditchthestraw@portland.surfrider.org.