Adopt a Mile
Get involved! Learn more and help protect your Oregon coast — mile by mile.
How to Log-In and File a Mile Report
Click this link to find the easy to follow instructions to log-in for access to create a mile report.
Frequently Asked Questions About CoastWatch
Are only unadopted miles available for adoption?
No, any number of people can adopt a mile, so all miles are always available for adoption. Different people visit at different times, observe different things (especially transient events such as beached birds or animals, marine debris wash-ups, etc.).
Is every mile of the coast up for adoption?
Yes, we have divided up the entire Oregon coast into segments. Our miles number up to 340, starting with Mile 1 on the California border and ending with Mile 340 at the Columbia River estuary. Our goal is to monitor the entire coast, so we seek adopters for miles featuring all terrain types, from beaches to tidepools to headlands.
What will I be committing to if I adopt a mile?
The basic CoastWatch commitment is four visits to the mile per year, or one visit per season. Volunteers are asked to fill out a detailed report form, submitted online.
What if I can’t visit the mile during every quarter?
If you miss a seasonal visit, get to your mile as soon as you can! It may not be possible to cover rugged or remote miles during some seasons (for instance, some headland miles have been adopted by sea kayakers, who can’t go out safely during winter months).
Do I need to have special expertise to adopt a mile?
No, CoastWatch is intended for everyone who loves the coast. We connect volunteers with scientific researchers if they are interested in a more rigorous protocol.
Is there a training?
We require new volunteers to attend a live CoastWatch orientation online, or watch a recorded training. The live online orientation happens every other month via Zoom with the CoastWatch Programs Manager. The CoastWatch form is a simple observation form and not a scientific protocol. Field trainings for community and citizen science projects, which do include rigorous protocols, happen year round. CoastWatch volunteers have the choice to engage is scientific data collection on thier mile if they wish.
What if I see something worth noting, but don’t cover a full mile?
The Dispatch form was designed for this purpose. If you visit your mile but don’t walk the entire length, or make observations in all the categories on the report form, you can use a Dispatch to note something you observe, such as a beached marine mammal, an unusual number of beached birds, notable amounts or types of marine debris, or a violation of beach rules. If you see a serious violation, like illegal fishing in a Marine Reserve, harrassment of marine mammals, or climbing rocks and disturbing sea birds, please note the violation in your report and call the Oregon State Police, also noting in your report that you took this action.
Can larger groups adopt miles?
Yes! We love working with groups, schools, businesses, sports teams, churches and more!
Is there a paper version of the report form I can use to take notes?
Yes. You can print it out from this document and use it to take notes.