Last Chance to Contribute to a Survey on Coastal Values

November 4, 2016

Photo of kayakers at Haystack Rock by Sonja Peterson.
Kayakers at Haystack Rock. Photo by Sonja Peterson.

What areas of the coast do you consider most precious?  Which stretches of shoreline need better protection?  What do you like to do when you visit the coast?  How strongly to you support marine reserves, wave energy development or ocean planning?

A research team at Portland State University would like to know, and you have until November 30 to tell them.  They are conducting a survey of Oregonians that seeks to understand how Oregon residents use and value the coast and ocean. The survey asks about opinions on marine management activities, and preferences for future management. The survey also includes an online mapping activity, allowing those who take the survey to indicate places on the coast that are important to them, and to recommend changes in management of areas.

The goal of the survey is to reach a broad set of adult (over 18) residents who have lived in Oregon for a year or more.  Go here to take the survey.  It may require some time if you answer all the questions carefully and take full opportunity of the chance to map what you consider to be the coast’s most important places, but active participation by coastal conservationists may help to send a message that protecting coastal habitats and resources has strong support.

This project is funded by Oregon Sea Grant and findings will be shared in a final report to managers, researchers, and the public. Two state agencies in particular plan to use the results in guiding management choices.  All responses will be anonymous and only summaries of findings will be shared.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Paul Manson, a PhD student researcher at Portland State University: You may also contact the project’s principal investigator, marine ecologist Dr. Elise Granek, at