Public Input Sought on Coastal Management Program

August 31, 2023

Seaside from the air
Seaside from the air.\Photo by Briana Goodwin, with support from Lighthawk.

The Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) is a key player in planning and managing Oregon’s coastal resources. Oregon Shores interacts continually with the OCMP in pursuing many aspects of our work. It is housed with the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), but in reality is a network of state agencies and coastal local governments, of which DLCD is the “lead implementer.”

The OCMP was first approved by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1977, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA). This is crucial for Oregon’s ability to manage the state’s coastal resources. Once a state program has been recognized under the CZMA, the federal government has to maintain what is known as “federal consistency” with the provisions of the state’s regulations. This means, for instance, that the federal government can’t override Oregon’s land use decisions.

The CZMA calls for periodic performance reviews of state coastal programs. The process includes the participation of the program’s network, state and local stakeholders, tribes, and other interested parties. NOAA assesses the accomplishments and needs of the coastal program and then provides recommendations for program enhancements. Oregon’s Coastal Zone Management Program evaluation will be taking place this year from Sept. 11-15.

Public participation is an important part of the evaluation process. NOAA’s evaluation team would like to hear the views of any interested parties concerning the Oregon Coastal Management Program, including those aspects that are successful and any suggestions for making improvements or addressing problems. The evaluation team is particularly interested in these areas:

  • Federal Consistency
  • Coastal Hazards and Resilience
  • Ocean Planning
  • Estuary Planning
  • Public Shoreline Access

Members of the public are welcome to submit written comments, providing testimony on OCMP's successes, challenges, and needs. Participation in the public meeting is not required for submission. Send written comments to by September 22.

To learn more, go here.