CoastWatch Events

Events of interest to CoastWatchers, sponsored by various organizations. Events that are sponsored or featured by Oregon Shores are highlighted.

CoastWatch intertidal field trip.  Photo by Alex Derr.
CoastWatch intertidal field trip. Photo by Alex Derr.
No events currently scheduled.

Past Events

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BioBlitz at Otter Rock

July 5, 2019, Otter Rock

Not all BioBlitz activities require this much athleticism! Surveying tidepools at Otter Rock.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.

As part of this summer’s series of “BioBlitzes” at Oregon’s marine reserve areas, the Oregon Coast Aquarium is sponsoring a bioblitz event at the Otter Rock Marine Reserve...

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Benefit Art Show

June 23, 2019, Portland

 "Short Sands," a painting by Judy Shaw that is featured in the Coastal Watchers show.
"Short Sands," a painting by Judy Shaw that is featured in the Coastal Watchers show.

This is the final week of a special benefit art show, “The Coastal Watchers,” running through June 23 at the Elizabeth Jones Art Center (515 N.W. 14th St.) in Portland.  The gallery is open...

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Lecture on Microplastics

June 11, 2019, Portland

Dorothy Horn, a Portland State University doctoral candidate studying plastic pollution in the ocean, will speak about microplastics in the sea and in rivers at the next monthly meeting of the Surfrider Portland Chapter, Tuesday, June 11, 7-9 at  UP North Surf Club.

Horn will also...