Date wrapper:

Bandon Beachwalk

April 20, 2019 - 7:30 AM
Coquille Point
11th St SW
Bandon, OR
CoastWatch, Shoreline Education for Awareness

The beach at Bandon.\Photo by Steve Garrett.
The beach at Bandon.\Photo by Steve Garrett.

Fawn Custer, until earlier this week our volunteer coordinator, and now our CoastWatch trainer, will lead a beachwalk on Saturday morning, April 20, at Bandon’s Coquille Point.  Meet her on the beach (down the stairs from Kronenberg County Park, 1490 11th St., S.W.) between 7:30 and 8 a.m.  You can identify Fawn by her bright orange rainpants.  The walk is free and open to all.

Fawn will provide an introduction to shoreline natural history, both sandy shores and tidepools, and also provide a primer on CoastWatch and our citizen science projects.  This will be a good refresher course for current CoastWatchers, or a way to learn about the program and consider volunteering.  The event is family friendly.

The walk is part of our collaboration with Bandon’s Shoreline Education for Awareness, and also part of Bandon’s Earth Day celebration.  We’ve been jointly sponsoring a series of talks and educational experiences with SEA, helping to educate our members and the general public about shoreline science.  We’re sponsoring two talks on rocky shores at the Bandon library later in the day (see separate listing).  Fawn will also be tabling at the library between the talks, a good time to visit her and chat if you have something you’ve always wanted to know about CoastWatch or the shore.

For more information, contact Fawn Custer, (541) 270-0027,