BioBlitz Training Online
A BioBlitz is an intensive survey of a defined area with the goal of identifying all the species to be found in that area at one time, generally involving members of the public assisted by experts. It is a snapshot of biodiversity. In past years, coastal conservation organizations including our CoastWatch program have sponsored BioBlitz days at each of Oregon’s marine reserves. But the pandemic restrictions have seriously hampered the usual approach of inviting all comers to join in at a particular location on a particular day.
This year, in order to responsibly comply with social distancing guidelines, BioBlitzes will still be held for each reserve, but are taking a different form. Training for volunteers will be provded online, and then participants are asked to explore with their own household groups, and record observations in the iNaturalist app. Instead of being one-day, intensive affairs, the BioBlitzes will be open for 10 days, through July 26.
The Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve are hosting a virtual BioBlitz training for this "hybrid" approach on Thursday, July 16, at 6 p.m. They will provide instruction online and then ask volunteers to explore with their own household groups, and record observations in the iNaturalist app. Presenters include Margaret Treadwell of the Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve, plus:
- Paul Robertson, Cascade Head Marine Reserve
- Dennis White, Otter Rock Marine Reserve
- Tara DuBois, Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve
- Tara Ramsey, Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve
Those interested are invited to join this orientation webinar. To register, go here:
Learn more about iNaturalist and how to get started using it at:
For some of the marine reserves, the observations will go to particular local species inventories. For instance, observations at locations in or near the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve will become part of the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve Species Inventory:
Observations for the Otter Rock Marine Reserve will be to a special site for that BioBlitz:
Those for the Cascade Head Marine Reserve should go to
For the Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve:
And for the Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve:
For the BioBlitz itself, remember to stay six feet away from anyone not in your household group, and follow the Governor’s guidelines, including:
• Stay home if you are sick.
• To avoid exposure to COVID-19, people who are at risk for severe complications (over age 60 or have underlying medical conditions) should stay home even if you feel well.
• If you become symptomatic (cough, fever, shortness of breath) while in public, please return home and self-isolate immediately. Contact your health care provider if you need
medical attention.
• Practice good hand hygiene with frequent hand washing for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer (60-95% alcohol content).
• Cover coughs/sneezes with elbow or tissue. If you use a tissue, immediately discard tissue in garbage and your wash hands.
• Avoid touching your face.
• Use cloth, paper or disposable face coverings in public.
• Stay close to home. Avoid overnight trips and minimize other non-essential travel, including recreational day trips to destinations outside the community where you live.