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Black Oystercatcher Survey Training

May 5, 2021 - 6:00 PM
Portland Audubon

Black oystercatcher in its habitat.\Photo by Linda Fink.

Volunteer training for the annual Black Oystercatcher survey takes place online this year, although the actual survey is conducted in the field.  Portland Audubon, which heads up the survey for Oregon, is reaching out to both returning veterans of the survey and new volunteers.  There will be two virtual training sessions for the survey, the first of which takes place Wednesday, May 5, 6-8 p.m.  (The other is scheduled for Saturday, May 8, 10 a.m.-noon.)

The survey this year will focus on nest-finding and monitoring.  As with last year, the organizers are requesting help from experienced oystercatcher nest monitors willing to meet with new volunteers to show them the ropes on how to find and monitor nests. There is a nest monitoring protocol that is provided to volunteers, but that only goes so far in preparing folks. Contact the organizers if you would consider being a nest monitoring "mentor" to beginners and less experienced volunteers.

For more on the survey and a link to registration, go here.

The contacts are Joe Liebezeit, Audubon’s Staff Scientist & Avian Conservation Manager, 503-329-6026,; and Allison Anholt,