Citizen Science Training
Prospective south coast citizen scientists, and current CoastWatchers looking for a chance to hone their monitoring skills, are invited to join Fawn Custer, CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator, and members of Bandon’s Shoreline Education for Awareness (SEA) for a citizen science training on Friday, Sept. 21, beginning at 8 a.m. at the Bandon South Jetty Park.
CoastWatch is developing a collaborative relationship with SEA, and this beachwalk and citizen science training is designed to introduce SEA board members and other members to CoastWatch and our various citizen science projects. But anyone interested in shoreline ecology and citizen science is welcome to join in.
Fawn will provide some basic background on CoastWatch, and brief training on the full range of CoastWatch citizen science projects, including surveys for marine debris, sea star populations, beached birds, stranded marine mammals, and others. Questions about any aspect of shoreline monitoring and the natural history of the shoreline are encouraged.
To reach the South Jetty Park, follow the river down from Bandon’s downtown area--take 1st St. S.W. west from Old Town, then Jetty Rd. S.W.
For more information, contact Fawn Custer at (541) 270-0027,