Date wrapper:

Coast Economic Summit

July 26, 2017 - 12:00 AM
Portland Downtown Waterfront Marriot
1401 SW Naito Pkwy
Portland, OR

Fishing and tourism remain economic staples on the coast.  Photo by Sonja Peterson.
Fishing and tourism remain economic staples on the coast. Photo by Sonja Peterson.

For the first time, the annual Oregon Coast Economic Summit will be held in Portland this year, as part of the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region 2017 summit.  Organized by the Coastal Caucus of the Oregon Legislature, the coast summit’s theme is “Economic Development:  A Rural-Urban Collaborative Approach.”  Speakers and panels will examine factors that contribute to Oregon’s rural-urban divide and how these factors influence state and federal policies that impact local communities.  The tentative agenda is available here.

The conference of which the Coast Economic Summit is a part takes place July 23-27 at the Portland Downtown Waterfront Marriott (1401 S.W. Naito).  One day registration for coast summit on July 26th is $95, or attend the entire 4-day PNWER Summit for a special rate for Coast Economic Summit registrants of $375.

For information about the coastal portion of the summit, contact Sen. Arnie Roblan, 503-986-1705,  For information about the larger event, go here.