Coastal Economic Summit
In what has become an annual tradition, the Oregon Legislative Coastal Caucus, made of the state legislators from the coast, is sponsoring a coastal Economic Summit, a two-day event designed to discuss the region’s economy and communities. The tradition has been to hold the summit at one of the tribal casinos on the coast. This year will be somewhat different. The event will be held at two venues. The first day’s activities on Wednesday Aug. 21, do take place at the Three Rivers Casino (56476 Hwy 126, Florence) of the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, while on the second day the conference moves to the Florence Events Center (see separate listing).
This year’s theme is “Infrastructure Investments: A Collaborative Approach.” Coastal Caucus membersTop of Form will share information about their 2019 legislative efforts to streamline, modernize and maintain the state’s infrastructure. These include but are not limited to: promoting housing and seismic resiliency; developing renewable energy and education; creating better systems to fund water infrastructure and; preparing rural communities for challenges accompanying our shifting energy landscape.
The opening session at the casino will include plenary sessions, debates, and networking opportunities.
The day will conclude with the Taste of the Oregon Coast event at the Florence Events Center (715 Quince St.).
To register, go here.
For more information about the event, contact Rosie Shatkin at 503-986-1705 or
To contact the Three Rivers Casino to reserve rooms at the special conference rate, call 877-374-8377.