Date wrapper:

Coastal Hazards Conversation

November 9, 2017 - 7:00 PM
Fort George Brewery
Astoria, OR
Nature Matters, Lewis and Clark National Historical Park

Coastal Shores Specialist Meg Reed.
Coastal Shores Specialist Meg Reed.

Nature Matters is a series of conversations about the intersection of nature and culture which take place in Astoria on the second Thursday of each month from October to May.

On Thursday, Nov. 9, beginning at 7 p.m. (with doors opening at 6), the subject will be hazards that coastal communities face, and how climate change factors into this and must be accounted for in coastal resource and development policy and management.  The event takes place at the Fort George Brewery’s Lovell Showroom (1483 Duane St. in Astoria).

This discussion will also focus on ways in which citizens can help provide coastal managers with local data through the King Tides Project by taking photographs that document the highest tides of the year, to better visualize the impacts of sea level rise.

Leading the discussion will be Meg Reed, Coastal Shores Specialist with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), and in this capacity, CoastWatch’s partner in organizing the King Tide Project.

Meg was a NOAA Coastal Fellow with DLCD from 2013-2015.  Her Fellow project resulted in an improved data repository for Oregon's ocean shore permitting process that can be seen in the Ocean Shores Data Viewer on the Oregon Coastal Atlas website.  Her project built upon previous efforts in DLCD to identify and map coastal properties eligible for shorefront protective structures under Statewide Planning Goal 18.  She also studied the cluster of difficult legal and policy issues associated with ocean shoreline management under current Oregon laws and policies.  As a result she brings a good deal of relevant background to her new position.  

The event is free and open to all – food and beverages available for purchase.