CoastWatch Clinic
Fawn Custer, CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator, will meet with all comers on Friday, December 14, in Oregon State University’s Gold Beach Extension Office (29390 Ellensburg Ave., also known as Highway 101) from 3 p.m. through about 5 p.m.
Fawn will provide a general “CoastWatch Clinic”—a how-to-do-it review of the techniques for monitoring a CoastWatch mile. This is a chance for south coast mile adopters to obtain any training they feel they need, and to hone their skills. This is also an opportunity for prospective volunteers to learn about CoastWatch and consider adopting a mile. Bring your questions!
The session will also focus on the King Tide photography project, as Fawn will provide pointers for those willing to volunteer themselves and their cameras for the third round of the project in January.
For more information contact Fawn at (541) 270-0027,