Date wrapper:

Community Meeting on Drinking Water

May 9, 2022 - 5:30 PM
North Coast Citizens for Watershed Protection


Clearcut in the Jetty Creek watershed.
Cleacut in the Jetty Creek watershed.\Photo by Trygve Steen.

On Monday, May 9, at 5:30 p.m., the North Coast Citizens for Watershed Protection (NCCWP) hosts a virtual community meeting, “Is Your Drinking Water Safe?” The event is free and open to all.

Those attending will be updated on NCCWP’s activities, and participate in a workshop that teaches mapping tools, enabling citizens to find out where their water comes from and empower themselves with tools to track clearcutting and pesticide spraying.  Volunteer and direct action opportunities will also be discussed.

The presenters for the meeting are:

Richard Felley- Retired water district manager, past director of Tillamook Estuaries Partnership 
Jesse Clark- Documentary filmmaker, FERNS trainer, watershed mapping, and NCCWP communications facilitator 
April Clark- Writer, editor, media consultant, NCCWP communications and volunteer coordinator

To attend the meeting, register at

For more information about the event or about NCCWP, contact Nancy Webster at