Date wrapper:

Conference on Coast and Estuary Science

November 14, 2023 - 9:00 AM - November 16, 2023 - 11:45 PM
Portland, OR
Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation

Portland is the location of this year’s biennial conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation, from Sunday, Nov. 12, to Thursday, Nov. 16.

The conference is now full and underway. Oregon Shores Land Use Coordinator Annie Merrill is participating.

The them of this 27th CERF conference is Resilience and Recovery.

CERF is a multidisciplinary organization of researchers, students, resource managers, policy makers, and educators, who study and manage estuaries other coastal habitats and human impacts on these ecosystems. Fostering resilient communities and coastal ecosystems in the face of climate change, and recovering lost and degraded habitat is a primary concern for estuarine professionals in the coming decades. This conference is an opportunity to network, share ideas, learn from the best available science and case studies, and build community in this global effort. This week-long conference is packed with workshops, field trips, seminars, panels, social events, awards, and more. See the schedule here.