Conversation about Clatsop Planning
Oregon’s Kitchen Table is a program of the National Policy Consensus Center, which is housed in the Mark O. Hatfield Schools of Government at Portland State University. This non-profit program seeks to foster discussion among Oregonians about a range of topics. One of the current ones is Clatsop County’s comprehensive plan update. (Oregon Shores is actively engaged in support of our members in the county who are involved in this process.)
Working with the county government, the organization is seeking to foster public involvement in planning for the county’s future. This is a chance to weigh in on everything from housing and hazards planning to environmental protection and climate change.
On Thursday, June 2, an in-person community meeting will be held from 6-8 p.m. in the Jewell School (83874 Hwy 103 in the hamlet of Jewell—turn off Hwy 26 at Jewell Junction). If you plan to attend, you are asked to register at Food will be provided.
See separate listing for an opportunity to participate online on June 14.
You can also weigh in via a questionnaire.