Date wrapper:

Curry County Hazards Plan Hearing

November 1, 2017 - 10:00 AM
Curry County Courthouse
29821 Ellensburg Ave.
Gold Beach, OR
Free - public hearing

Harris Beach State Park, in Curry County, at high tide.\Photo by David Grimes.
Harris Beach State Park, in Curry County, at high tide.\Photo by David Grimes.

The Curry County Board of Commissioners will consider updates to the Natural Hazards provisions in the county’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to better implement Statewide Planning Goal 7 (Natural Hazards) and to reflect up-to-date information about the hazards to which coastal communities are vulnerable.  The hearing, continued from an earlier one in August, is part of a general commissioners’ meeting, beginning at 10 a.m. in the Curry County Courthouse (29821 Ellensburg Ave., which is Hwy 101) Annex Hearing Room.

The proposed changes to the county’s plan have aroused controversy, because landowners who would be required to declare identified hazards affecting their property fear this would reduce property values.  Oregon Shores has submitted comments in support of the county’s proposed updates, which are based on new hazard maps created by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI).  A DOGAMI staffer will be on hand to answer questions.  Oregon Shores believes that clearly addressing coastal hazards can prove a deterrent to inappropriate development and protect public safety as well as the natural landscape.

The staff report to be considered by the commissioners is to be posted on the county’s website,,  at of close of business on Friday, Oct. 27.