Deadline for Coastal Planning Comments
Oregon’s Coastal Management Program (OCMP) is the state’s federally recognized plan for managing coastal and ocean resources under the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). An important source of funding for Oregon’s coastal program is Section 309 of the CZMA. The state’s Department of Land Conservation & Development (DLCD--the parent bureaucracy of the OCMP) is currently updating its proposal for funding through Section 309. This plan will have a lot to do with how the coastal management program serves the coast in coming years.
DLCD is accepting comments on the draft Coastal Zone Management Act §309 Assessment and Strategy 2021–2025. This document represents the OCMP proposal for funds available under Section 309 of the CZMA.
Section 309 of the CZMA, as amended in 1990 and 1996, establishes a voluntary coastal zone enhancement program to encourage states and territories to develop program changes in one or more of the following nine coastal enhancement areas: wetlands, coastal hazards, public access, marine debris, cumulative and secondary impacts, special area management plans, ocean resources, energy and government, facility siting, and aquaculture. Under this program, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to make awards to states and territories to develop and submit for federal approval program changes that support attainment of the objectives of one or more of the enhancement areas. A copy of the draft Coastal Zone Management Act §309 Assessment and Strategy 2021–2025 may be downloaded here.
Comments may be emailed to or mailed to 635 Capitol St., N.E., # 150, Salem, OR 97301. All comments must be submitted by the close of business on Monday, Sept. 7.
Following public comment, the draft proposal will be revised and submitted for federal review by NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management (OCM). If you have questions about the draft Coastal Zone Management Act §309 Assessment and Strategy 2021–2025, contact Heather Wade at (503) 934-0400 or