Date wrapper:

Environmental Volunteer Fair

February 23, 2019 - 10:00 AM
Oregon Coast Community College North Campus
3788 S.E. High School Dr.
Lincoln City, OR
Audubon Society of Lincoln City

 Student volunteers removing invasive Scotch broom.\Photo by Dina Pavlis.
Student volunteers removing invasive Scotch broom.\Photo by Dina Pavlis.

Lincoln City Audubon is holding a volunteer fair to introduce local residents to opportunities to get involved in environmental activities “focused on habitat, beaches, and the environment.”  The event is free and open to all.

That certainly sounds like CoastWatch, and sure enough, our volunteer coordinator, Fawn Custer, is prominent among the presenters.  Fawn will provide information about CoastWatch, our citizen science surveys, and bioblitzes.

Also sharing information will be Portland Audubon, SOLVE, Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District, Oregon State Parks, Lincoln City Parks and Recreation, the Oregon Coast Aquarium, and watershed councils.

It all takes place at the Oregon Coast Community College’s north campus, 3788 S.E. High School Dr. in Lincoln City, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  For more information, contact Lincoln City Audubon at (541) 992-9720, or visit