Florence Beachwalk
As we continue to celebrate the Oregon Beach Bill’s 50th anniversary year, CoastWatch Volunteer Coordinator Fawn Custer has added a couple of beachwalks to her activities this weekend. She will discuss the natural history of the shoreline and the contents of the driftline, and also talk a bit about the Beach Bill and what it means to CoastWatch.
Fawn will meet Florence beachwalkers at the Harbor Vista county parking lot at the north jetty of the Siuslaw at 7:30 a.m. this Sunday, July 23, to lead a walk, lasting approximately an hour and a half.
The event is free and open to all. Please invite along anyone who might be interested.
The beachwalk precedes trainings for the COASST beached bird survey, which CoastWatch is co-sponsoring as COASST’s Oregon partner. The Florence session on Sunday begins at 10 a.m., at the Siuslaw Public Library (1460 9th St.).
Find details on the training on the website, https://oregonshores.org/coastwatch.