Forestry Monitoring Workshop
The Rockaway Beach Citizens for Watershed Protection are sponsoring a forestry and pesticide monitoring workshop on Wednesday, June 13, from 5:40 to 7:30 p.m. at the North County Recreation District building (36155 9th St. in Nehalem).
Presenter will be Jason Gonzales of Oregon Wild. The goal is to help citizens inform themselves about upcoming timber activities, such as pesticide aerial spraying. State agencies have come up with the FERNs online system as the solution for finding this information. It has valuable, publicly available information; however, this program is not very user-friendly, and it can become yet another obstacle in the efforts by citizens to protect watersheds. If you have tried to use FERNs or are interested in being an informed citizen for your watershed and your water, then this workshop is designed for you. Bring your laptop, if you have one, and come to this free, interactive workshop.