Global Warming Commission Meets
The Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet Friday, Jan. 29, from 1 to 5 p.m. online.
During the meeting, the Commission will hear about the Governor’s climate-related priorities for the legislative session and gather preliminary input regarding updating the Commission’s mission, priorities, and principles to guide its future work. The Commission will discuss challenges and opportunities associated with decarbonization and energy resource adequacy, and hear a progress report on the Commission’s charge regarding a state goal for carbon sequestration in Oregon’s natural and working lands.
In addition, the Oregon Department of Energy will present an overview of work plans for: (1) assisting the Commission in developing a long-range agenda for emissions reduction in Oregon and (2) assessing the constraints and opportunities regarding renewable energy development in Oregon.
Members of the public are welcome to provide written comments to the Commission through the contact form online or by e-mail,
Comments received by 10 a.m. on Jan. 25 will be distributed to commissioners in advance of the meeting. Time will be reserved for additional public comment from approximately 1:10-1:30 p.m.
The agenda, preliminary materials for the meeting, instructions on how to listen in and additional information are available on the Commission's website,
Additional meeting materials, including the public comments, will be posted by Jan. 26
For more information, contact Catherine Macdonald, 503-475-6782.