Date wrapper:

Global Warming Commission Meets

August 11, 2023 - 9:00 AM
Oregon Global Warming Commission

King tides floods Manzanita Beach.
King tide floods Manzanita Beach.\Photo by Roger Campana.

The Oregon Global Warming Commission will hold a virtual meeting on Friday, Aug. 11, 9 a.m. to noon.

At this meeting, the Commission will focus on solidifying its workplan through 2024. In addition, the Commission will hear presentations from the Oregon Department of Energy on the Oregon Renewable Energy Siting Assessment and the 2022 Biennial Energy Report policy brief on decarbonizing Oregon’s energy future.

The agenda and meeting information, including how to listen in, is available on the Commission’s website

As always, public comments may be submitted through the Commission's contact form online or by email. Members of the public will also have an opportunity to sign up during the meeting to make oral comments.

For information about the meeting, contact Zachariah Baker at 503-510-8133, The meeting will be recorded and posted for those who are not able to attend.