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Healthy Oceans Webinar

July 19, 2018 - 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Healthy Oceans Coalition

Kelp in New Zealand.
Seaweed. | Photo by Yvon Maurice.

Are you interested in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes policy? Are you finding the rapid policy changes and actions a bit overwhelming and unpalatable? Want to develop a deeper understanding of the current issues? You can seek to address these concerns by joining the webinar entitled: Advocacy for a Healthy Ocean, Coasts, and Great Lakes.

The Healthy Oceans Coalition invites you to participate in an upcoming webinar on advocacy for a healthy ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes on Thursday, July 19th from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.mDuring the webinar, they will discuss the Trump administration's National Ocean Policy repeal and the new, use-driven Trump policy. They will also give an update on other threats to the Marine National Monuments and National Marine Sanctuaries and Congressional attempts to weaken federal fisheries management.

RSVP for the webinar here


Moderator: Jenna Valente, Ocean Policy Manager, Healthy Oceans Coalition Coordinator, American Littoral Society

National Ocean Policy: Sarah Winter Whelan, Ocean Policy Director, Healthy Oceans Coalition Director, American Littoral Society

Monuments and Sanctuaries: Amy Kenney, National Ocean Protection Coalition

Federal Fisheries: Regan Nelson, MSA Coalition Coordinator

Please reach out to Jenna Valente ( or Sarah Winter Whelan ( with questions.