Date wrapper:

Hearing on Geologic Permit

October 8, 2018 - 7:00 PM
Newport City Hall
169 SW Coast Hwy
Newport, OR
Free - public meeting

 Pre-development excavation taking place at Spring St. site.\Photo by Elaine Karnes.
Pre-development excavation taking place at Spring St. site.\Photo by Elaine Karnes.

The Newport Planning Commission will hold its second hearing on a controversial development proposal on Monday, Oct. 8, 7 the Newport City Hall (169 S.W. Hwy 101).  Bill Lund, a landowner along Newport’s Spring Street, wants to build three structures (a single-family house and two duplexes) on a clearly landslide-prone bluff near the infamous Jump-Off Joe landslide complex.  Oregon Shores has joined with local members and other nearby residents to oppose the project, on grounds of public health and safety, and to preserve public access to the shoreline in this area, as well as to preserve bluff habitat and views. To learn more about Oregon Shores’ position, see our comments to the planning commission here.

City staff recommended approval of the applicant’s geologic permit, required as a precursor to permission to develop.  Neighbors, supported by Oregon Shores, appealed this decision, arguing that the geological engineer’s report relied upon by the would-be developer is entirely inadequate. 

Citizens can testify at the second hearing, or submit comments in advance.  For more information about the process, or to submit comments, contact Community Development Director Derrick Tokos, (541) 574-0626,  Comments can also be submitted in writing to the Newport Planning Commission, Newport City Hall, 169 S.W. Coast Hwy, Newport  97365. 

For more information on the issue and Oregon Shores’ position, contact Phillip Johnson, executive director, (503) 754-9303,