Date wrapper:

Hearing on Proposed Mine

November 20, 2019 - 10:00 AM
Curry County Courthouse Annex
94235 Moore St
Gold Beach, OR
Free—public meeting

The Pistol River near its mouth.\Photo by Bruce Swenson.

The would-be developer of an aggregate mining operation on the banks of the Pistol River is appealing the county planning commission’s denial of his proposal.  Oregon Shores along with many local citizens vigorously opposed the plan, and were pleased that the planning commission agreed on Aug. 15 that the application should be rejected.  But now the issue has surfaced again.

Landowner Ronald Adams seeks to develop a sand and gravel mine on the banks of the Pistol River near its mouth (AD-1907 Conditional Use Permit for Aggregate Mining and Processing on Pistol River). Anything that went wrong would thus threaten the entire river, a world-renowned fishing stream and important salmon habitat. 

Now that he has appealed, the Curry County Board of Commissioners will hold a special “de novo” public hearing to hear the appeal at 10:15 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 20, in the Board of Commissioners’ chambers on the upper level of the County Courthouse Annex in Gold Beach (94235 Moore St.). The de novo public hearing is being provided to solicit public commentary on the proposed gravel extraction project, located on Assessor’s Map 38-14-00, tax lot 4900; and Map 38-14-19D, tax lot 200. The site is above the Pistol River Bridge on Pistol River Loop Road, approximately .20 miles east from its intersection with Hwy 101. Application AD-1907 is a request for conditional use approval for the mining and processing of approximately 10,000 cubic yards of aggregate on the Pistol River gravel bar. The method of aggregate removal proposed is by a process call “scalping”. Typically this involves scrapping aggregate from the exposed gravel bar during low flow water conditions. The site is within an area of estuarine influence and includes fish species protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

You may submit written testimony prior to or at the hearing. Include Appeal number A-1901 on your written testimony. Testimony may be submitted via email, fax, or mail. You may contact Becky Crockett, Planning Director to submit your comments; put A-1901 in the subject line. Comments may be also be mailed to the Curry County Planning Department, Curry County Annex, 94235 Moore St, Suite 113, Gold Beach, OR 97444, Attention: Becky Crockett. Email: For your written comments to be included in the record prior to the hearing, they must be received by 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 19.