Date wrapper:

Intertidal Retrospective

May 31, 2019 - 4:00 PM
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology
63466 Boat Basin Rd
Charleston, OR
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology

Flabellina goddardi, discovered by Jeff Goddard.
Flabellina goddardi, discovered by Jeff Goddard.

Veteran marine biologist Jeff Goddard will look back over his career in a talk at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB) as part of the Spring Seminar Series.  Goddard will speak in the OIMB Boathouse Auditorium at 4 p.m. on Friday, May 31.  His topic:  “My wilderness:  50 Years of exploration and discovery between Pacific tides.”  While talks in this series are aimed in particular at the scientists and students at OIMB, the public is welcome and the events are free.

Dr. Goddard is a project scientist with the Marine Science Institute at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and has taught in the past at OIMB (often collaborating with ecologist Stewart Schultz, well-known to CoastWatchers for his shoreline science workshops).  In 2008, Goddard discovered a new species of sea slug—a common enough event in more remote areas, but surprising on a well-studied coast like California’s.  It was named for him:  Flabellina goddardi.  His talk will cover this and other career adventures

To reach the OIMB Boathouse Auditorium, park on Boat Basin Rd. near the campus and walk down the road past the Coast Guard housing.

For more information, call (541) 888-2581 or e-mail