Invasive Plant Detection Training
The Pacific Northwest Invasive Plant Council will hold a series of online sessions this year that provide training in “Early Detection/Rapid Response (EDRR),” the watchwords for those hoping to nip invasive species in the bud. The first of these takes place on Friday, June 26, 9:30 a.m.-noon, and is devoted to invasive aquatic plants.
EDRR depends on a network of knowledgeable citizens serving as scouts for scientists and resource managers—volunteers who know what to look for and where to report likely invaders. It is thus a classic form of citizen science in which anyone can help to extend our knowledge of the natural world.
The event is free and open to all, and is co-sponsored by EPA and NOAA. The subject matter includes:
*Aquatic invasive plant ecology and identification with survey and reporting methods;
*Best Management Practices (BMP) for lake residents and users;
*Basic limnology (lake ecosystems); and
*Cyanobacteria basics (with a further training session to come on identification and reporting).
To register:
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