Jordan Cove Story Online
On Friday, June 5, 6:30 p.m., a number of the groups working against the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal (a coalition of which Oregon Shores is a part) are hosting an online slideshow, “The Long and Twisted Tale of Jordan Cove LNG.” The slideshow accompanies Part Two of Barbara Bernstein's "Holding the Thin Green Line” radio documentary series. There will be a Q&A session immediately afterwards with impacted landowners, community organizers and land and water protectors who are featured in the documentary.
Panel speakers: Taylor Tupper (a member of the Klamath Tribes), Stacey McLaughlin (impacted landowner), Larry Mangan (impacted landowner), and Allie Rosenbluth (Rogue Climate).
This slideshow was conceived originally to show at community gatherings to educate the wider public about what’s at stake for the people of Southern Oregon - as well as our entire region - and the planet - if the Jordan Cove LNG Export Terminal and Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline get built. This slideshow puts faces to the people whose stories are told in the radio documentary and shows the landscapes that would be destroyed by this fracked gas pipeline and export terminal. But until the COVID-19 pandemic is over these community gatherings are held online.
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