King Tide Talk and Training in Rockaway
To prepare volunteers in Tillamook County for the final round of this winter’s King Tide Project (January 10-12), a background talk and training will be held at the Rockaway City Hall (276 S. Hwy 101) on Monday, January 9, at 6:30 p.m.
The event will feature a presentation by Meg Reed, new Coastal Shores Specialist with the state’s Coastal Management Program (CMP), CoastWatch’s partner in organizing the King Tide Project. Reed’s talk will focus on how sea level rise and erosion are reshaping the Oregon coast, and the policy challenges we will face in considering whether to armor the shoreline or allow it to move. She will also discuss the King Tide Project, which photographically documents the highest tides of the year, both indicating areas presently at risk for erosion and providing a preview of a future “normal” with sea level rise. The presentation is intended to provide background for this citizen science project.
Fawn Custer, CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator, will provide training in how to take photos that will most usefully document the highest point of the upcoming tide series, and how to document and submit the photos.
For more information about the King Tide Project, contact Fawn at (541) 270-0027,