King Tide Wrap-Up Party, Otter Rock
This Friday, Jan. 15, we’ll be gathering at the Inn at Otter Crest (301 Otter Crest Dr.) in Otter Rock, between Newport and Depoe Bay in Lincoln County. Beginning at 5:30 p.m., we’ll view the best of this year’s King Tide photos, hear brief talks on the project and on citizen science, eat, drink, and be merry…and listen to an intriguing presentation.
Friday’s speaker is wetland expert Laura Brophy, who will discuss how rising sea levels (for which the King Tides are a proxy) may affect wetlands and marshes, which could be lost if not allowed to move upslope as the ordinary sea level rises. She is currently involved in a “Landward Migration Zone” study, seeking to identify undeveloped areas near threatened marshes that could become buffers. Brophy is the director of the Estuary Technical Group with the Institute of Applied Ecology, as well as the principal of Green Point Consulting. Her research focuses on conservation and restoration of tidal wetlands.
The event is free and open to all, although a $5 donation is suggested. Snacks will be provided; beverages and other fare can be purchased from the Inn (which is donating the facility).