Date wrapper:

Land Use Workshop--Coos County Emphasis

July 14, 2023 - 4:00 PM
Southwestern Oregon Community College
1988 Newmark Ave.
Coos Bay, OR
Rogue Climate, 1000 Friends of Oregon

Coos Bay-North Bend shoreline.
Coos Bay-North Bend shoreline.\Photo by Jody McCaffree.

A workshop on participating in Oregon’s land use planning system, "Crash Course: Land Use in Coos County," with an emphasis on the Coos Bay estuary, is being offered by our colleagues 1000 Friends of Oregon, co-sponsored by Rogue Climate and Oregon Shores. It takes place Friday, July 14, 4-6 p.m., and Saturday, July 15, 10 a.m.-noon. It is necessary to participate on both days. The location is Southwestern Oregon Community College (1988 Newmark Ave.). Specific classroom location not known as yet.

To register, go here.

The workshop will cover such topics as: What is land use? How does it impact our natural and built environments? How can community members become more involved with land use processes?

Effective land use planning includes cooperation of the state and local governments to make sure natural resources such as water and wildlife habitats are not significantly impacted by development projects. One of the key components of the update process is Statewide Planning Goal #1 regarding public participation in all steps of the land use process.

This training, with a special focus on Coos Bay, will be adapted from 1000 Friends of Oregon's Land Use Leadership Initiative (LULI) training program. The LULI program works with a cohort of participants over the course of several months to showcase Oregon’s innovative land use planning system, highlight the most-pressing land development issues and create a forum for graduates to hone leadership skills further to help create and advance solutions to issues that matter to them. A major element of the LULI program is the partnership between 1000 Friends and the community-based organizations that work on relevant issues in the region. Rogue Climate has partnered with 1000 Friends to co-create this abbreviated training program, based in part on materials and lessons learned in presenting LULI, to meet the needs of residents of Coos County in addressing pressing issues of the day.

The Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan, currently under consideration, is a key land use management document that dictates how the Coos Bay Estuary is used for natural, cultural, and developmental purposes. And the Port Exemption Bill (HB 3382), currently being considered by the Oregon Legislature, aims to create shortcuts in Oregon's land use system, to assist in developing a container port in Coos Bay; by the time this workshop is held, we will know the outcome, and how it will affect planning for Coos Bay. This educational workshop is the perfect opportunity for community members to learn more about Oregon's land use system and how to get more involved.