Date wrapper:

Lecture on Seagrass Meadows

May 1, 2020 - 1:00 PM
OIMB Spring Seminar Series

Eelgrass bed in Netarts Bay.\Photo by York Johnson.
Eelgrass bed in Netarts Bay.\Photo by York Johnson.

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s Spring 2020 Seminar Series has moved online.  The public is welcome to sit in through Zoom at no cost.

A talk in the series of interest in terms of both marine ecology and climate comes from Aurora Ricart, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California at Davis’ Bodega Marine Lab, speaking on “The influence of seagrass meadows on the seawater carbonate system and its ecological implications.”  Her research points toward the role of eelgrass in reducing the acidity caused by increasing carbon in seawater due to climate change.

It takes place online at 1 p.m. on Friday, May 1.  (Most of the seminars in this series will be on Fridays at this time.)

The seminars in this series are free, but are password protected.  For information, or to request the password, contact organizer Aaron Galloway,  Be sure to allow 24 hours’ notice.

To connect, once you have your password:

Meeting ID: 178 063 625