Date wrapper:

Marine Board Considers Wakes

January 10, 2018 - 9:00 AM
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Office
4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE
Salem, OR
Free-public meeting

Boats and jet skis on the Salmon River, and their wakes, have been the subject of controversy.  Photo by Jack Doyle.
Boats and jet skis on the Salmon River, and their wakes, have been the subject of controversy. Photo by Jack Doyle.

The Oregon State Marine Board is holding their quarterly board meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 10. The meeting, beginning at 9 a.m., takes place in Salem at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Office, Commission Room (4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE).

Public comments will be accepted at the beginning of the meeting; however, due to time constraints, comments will be limited and will conclude no later than 10 a.m. to ensure adequate time for other agenda items.

Of particular interest to conservationists, staff will present a statewide report on wake sports which includes information on wake activities, boat models, waterbody use and education. The number of people participating in wake sports in Oregon is growing, and so is the concern about safety and user conflicts. The board, by vote, may direct staff to initiate the rulemaking process to discuss possible statewide boat operation safety rules. If the Board votes to open rulemaking, a public comment period and public hearings to gather testimony will be scheduled and announced. The Marine Board will not be making any decisions at this meeting to ban wake boats, create exclusion zones or restrict any river use.  While the Marine Board’s focus appears to be on safety, wakes have an environmental effect in eroding shorelines, and boats or jet skis driven fast enough to generate wakes can severely disturb wildlife, points that conservationists may wish to make to the board.

At the meeting the board will consider adopting rules for Visual Distress Signals, Hunt Tag Program Fees, and Fees for Furnishing Public Record Information. The public comment period for these items is closed.

The Department of Administrative Services Human Resources will facilitate candidate interviews for Marine Director. Following the interviews, the Board will enter into executive session to discuss the candidates. Afterward, the Board will reconvene into open meeting session to make a motion to hire a Marine Director.

For more information and to view the staff report, visit