Date wrapper:

Marine Debris Survey and Training

March 16, 2020 - 11:00 AM
Inn at Otter Crest
301 Otter Crest Dr.
Otter Rock, OR
CoastWatch, Friends of Otter Rock Marine Reserve

Inn at Otter Crest, with beach to be surveyed beyond.\Photo by Dennis White.

Fawn Custer, CoastWatch’s citizen science trainer, will conduct a marine debris survey at Otter Rock on Monday, March 16, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.  This will be an actual survey, part of CoastWatch’s coastwide marine debris survey at multiple sites using a NOAA protocol, and also a training experience for those considering getting involved, either at this site or elsewhere.

Toledo High School has adopted this mile, and students will be present to learn about the marine debris survey, but other CoastWatchers and the general public are welcome as well.  There is no charge.

Fawn will meet participants at the foot of the stairs from the Inn at Otter Crest, at the northern end of the beach.  It is also possible to reach the survey site by parking in the community of Otter Rock, to the south, walking down to the beach on the north and continuing to the northern end to meet with Fawn, who will be identifiable by her trademark orange rainpants. 

Fawn will also provide general CoastWatch training for those monitoring a mile or willing to consider doing so.

For more information, contact her at (541) 270-0027,