Meeting on Wind Energy and Fisheries
The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is developing a plan to open the ocean in federal waters off Oregon’s shore to wind energy development. This is a form of renewable energy, but it also poses potential threats both to offshore habitats, where these floating platforms and massive turbines will be located, and to estuaries where the structures will be assembled and transported.
Possible impact to fisheries is one major concern, and to address this, BOEM will hold an online work session with the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s marine planning committee from 1-5 p.m. on Friday, March 4. The event is open to the public.
The primary purpose of this online meeting is to discuss the next steps in the authorization process for commercial offshore wind energy leasing, including a description of proposed offshore wind planning Call Areas off the Oregon Coast and to solicit public comment. For more information, go here.
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