Mid-Coast Water Planning Partnership
First Timers – If this is your first Partnership meeting, you are asked to arrive at 3:30 p.m. for an orientation. For information about the origins and purpose of the Partnership, see our earlier article.
At the May 31 meeting, they will wrap up Step One – Develop a Collaborative Planning Process – and launch work on Step Two – Characterize our Water Resources. Please join us to -
• Finalize the Technical Work Plan and begin developing information to develop a common base of knowledge about water resources in the Mid-Coast region.
• Review and finalize their Communication, Education and Outreach Plan to guide our engagement process.
• Sign the Charter (approved by Partnership on 3/29/17).
• Identify next steps, roll up their sleeves and begin work on Step Two in the planning process – Characterize Water Resources.
Contact the organizers:
Harmony Burright - Planning Coordinator
Oregon Water Resources Department
Timothy Gross - Public Works Director/City Engineer
City of Newport
For more information, visit their website: www.midcoastwaterpartners.com