Ocean Climate Lobby Day
The climate crisis is an ocean crisis, and the oceans, coasts, rivers and Great Lakes have an important place in climate solutions. Ocean advocates and anyone concerned about climate change is invited to join the Ocean Climate Action (Virtual) Capitol Hill Lobby Day on Wednesday, April 14th. Meet (via Zoom) in state/district/territory delegations with U.S. Congress Members to advocate for ocean-based solutions to the climate crisis. The event kicks off at 9 a.m.
By registering, you'll receive updates from your "State Lead" on the schedule and activities planned for your team. You will be sent a Zoom link and all the information you need to virtually lobby Congress. A preliminary schedule and more information is on the website: www.OceanClimateAction2021.org.
Among key goals of the Lobby Day:
· Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act: This comprehensive bill includes protections for oceans, coasts, rivers and lake systems, while promoting sustainable job opportunities and renewable offshore energy. Citizen lobbyists can seek passage in the House, and a companion bill in the Senate.
· Coastal Barriers Resources Act: This current law protects dunes, seagrass, coastlines, coral reefs, lake and river shores across 3.2 million acres of the U.S., saving lives, increasing wildlife habitat, and saving taxpayer money, but should be expanded to the West Coast and all the vulnerable areas of the nation.
· Clean Ocean Energy: The Lobby Day sponsors believe it's time for expansion of federal leasing for offshore wind and federal investment into research and development of wave and tidal energy.
To register, go here.