Date wrapper:

Ocean Science Trust Meeting

July 10, 2020 - 9:00 AM
Free—public meeting

Researchers deploying an ROV in a marine reserve.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.

The Oregon Ocean Science Trust, which seeks to acquire and distribute funding for research in Oregon’s ocean, particularly its marine reserves, is meeting virtually on Friday, July 10, 9 a.m.-noon. 

A key topic on the agenda is seeking funding to support the upcoming assessment of the marine reserve system after a decade of operation. Click here for the Draft Agenda.

This is a public meeting.  To attend via Zoom, go to

Meeting ID: 966 2147 0692

Password: 5w#^WPpS

To listen in by phone, dial +1 253 215 8782

Meeting ID: 966 2147 0692

Password: 793353