Offshore Drilling Presentation
Livelihoods in coastal communities across the country rely on America’s coastal waters. The Trump administration’s push to open our coastlines to offshore leasing would threaten recreation, the livelihoods of those in the fishing and tourism industries, and countless small businesses along America’s coastlines. There are over $115 billion dollars at risk should new oil spills occur. The Trump administration’s push to open America’s coasts to offshore leasing ignores the will of our coastal communities and the millions of Americans who have voiced their opposition to offshore drilling. America’s publicly-owned waters should be conserved and protected, not turned over to the oil industry and the highest bidder.
The Portland Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation is focusing on off-shore drilling for their February Chapter Meeting on Feb. 13th. Join them for Shore Stories, six short films that highlight the grassroots resistance taking place across the US, as well as stories from past oil and gas exploration – including the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. After the films we’ll discuss the proposal and how you can get involved in resisting these disastrous plans.
Following the video and discussion, Surfrider will lead activities to take action against offshore drilling. Computers will be set up so you can submit official comments to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management about their proposal. We'll have suggested language if aren't sure what to say. For a more fun way to show your opposition, check out the photo booth to help spread the word about why you don't support offshore oil drilling.
Make your voice heard and keep this destructive new exploration from harming our coastlines!
Surfrider Portland's February Chapter meeting will take place at Ex Novo Brewing at 7pm.