Date wrapper:

Offshore Drilling Public Meeting

February 6, 2018 - 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Red Lion Hotel Salem
3301 Market Street NE
Salem, OR
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Oil rigs and whale spout off the coast of California. | Photo by Al Seib (LA Times)

The Department of Interior announced plans on Jan. 4 to dramatically expand offshore drilling in U.S waters. The Trump Administration is targeting over 90% of all federal waters for new oil and gas lease sales including the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, and Gulf of Mexico. The Oregon/Washington Outer Continental Shelf area would be offered in a sale that would take place in 2021.  The Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition will be actively engaged in opposing the plan.

A series of public meetings will be held around the country on the Trump Administration's proposal, held by the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).  The one in Oregon takes place in Salem on Tuesday, Feb. 6, from 3-7 p.m. at the Red Lion Hotel (3301 Market St., N.E.)

This meeting is a public information session in open house format, rather than a hearing at which speakers take turns.  Rather, citizens can show up at any time during the session, and circulate among information tables, with a chance to speak to BOEM staffers and make comments.  A rally is being held in conjunction with this meeting (see separate event listing), sponsored by Oregon Shores and many other groups.  Participants will be heading over to this BOEM meeting at the end of the rally; some will demonstrate outside the hotel, while others come in to the meeting to make their presence felt.

A public comment period continues through March 9.  To comment, go to  You will also find more information here about the nature of the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement the federal government will be compiling.

Comments can also be sent directly to members of Congress.   A short-cut to getting your voice heard by your elected officials is offered by the the Surfrider Foundation.