Orca Lecture
The Friends of Haystack Rock continue their “Library Lecture Series,” but online rather than actually in the library. On Wednesday, March 9, at 7 p.m., the topic will be orcas, aka killer whales. The event is free and open to all.
Speaker Josh McInnes, a graduate student in marine mammal studies at the University of British Columbia, will speak on “Ecological Aspects of Transient Killer Whales off the California and Oregon Coast.”
McInnes is with the Marine Mammal Research Unit of UBC’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries. His research focuses on the ecology and behavior of marine mammals in British Columbia and Monterey Bay, California, with studies focusing on the foraging behavior, diet, and ecology of transient (Bigg’s) killer whales and Risso’s Dolphins.
To attend, go to Facebook Live @Friends of Haystack Rock.