Date wrapper:

Otter Rock CoastWatch Training

May 7, 2019 - 9:00 AM
Devils Punchbowl State Natural Area
Otter Rock, OR

 The beach at Otter Rock, site of the CoastWatch training.\Photo by Dennis White.
The beach at Otter Rock, site of the CoastWatch training.\Photo by Dennis White.

Fawn Custer, until recently CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator and now our citizen science trainer, invites the public to join her at the Otter Rock Marine Reserve for a general introduction to CoastWatch and specific training in our marine debris survey.  The event takes place on Tuesday, May 7, 9 a.m., on the beach north of Devils Punchbowl and the community of Otter Rock.

She set up this session for the benefit of schools that are participating in CoastWatch and citizen science, plus some new CoastWatchers in need of training.  But the event, part of our Rise Above Plastics Month campaign, is free and open to all, families included. 

Park near the public restrooms in Otter Rock and take the trail north to the beach from there.  You can always identify Fawn out on the beach by looking for her signature orange rainpants.  Come dressed for the wet intertidal area, and be prepared for weather that may be cool and foggy right on the shoreline even on an otherwise warm spring day.  Also recommended:  Water, snacks, binoculars, hats.

For more information, contact Fawn Custer at (541) 270-0027,