Panel Discussion on Sand Movement
The Newport chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, during its Thursday, Jan. 14, online meeting, presents a discussion of how and why beaches change with the movement of sand and how this affects beach use. The virtual event, which takes place at 6:30 p.m., is free and open to all.
The panel includes Jonathan Allan, a coastal geomorphologist with the state’s Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, and Jay Sennewald, Ocean Shore Coordinator for Oregon Parks and Recreation. Allan will give an overview of the coastal processes that form our beaches, and specifically, describe how and why Agate Beach has changed over the last few years. Sennewald will explain the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s responsibility for managing our ocean shore and how Oregon Administrative Rules guide the agency, including the need for permits for shoreline alterations and the process for public participation. There will be plenty of time for questions.
To register for this event, go here.