Parks and Recreation Meeting
The Parks and Recreation Commission, which oversees the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, meets Feb. 21, 10 a.m. at the Independence Event Center (555 S. Main St.) in Independence. The meeting, in the conference room on the bottom floor, includes a number of coastal matters on the agenda which may be of interest to those concerned about certain areas of the coast.
In particular, the commission will consider the proposed Nehalem Scenic Waterway designation. (Specific times aren’t given for agenda items, but this is the sixth item on the agenda, so probably about mid-day.) The commission will subsequently discuss the scenic waterway program as a whole. Later in the day, development proposals for Brian Booth State Park will be reviewed.
There will be a public comment period, during which members of the public can raise any subject with the commission. This period comes near the beginning of the agenda, so it would be wise to arrive and sign in to comment before the meeting begins.
For more information, contact commission assistant Denis Warburton at (503) 986-0719,