Photographic Tour of Wildlife Refuges
With public lands under attack at both the federal and state level, a reminder of the value and beauty of those lands is timely. The Yaquina Birders & Naturalists will host “A Photographic Journey into the National Wildlife Refuge System” on Thursday, March 16, 7 p.m. in the public meeting room of Central Lincoln PUD (2129 N. Coast Hwy) in Newport.
The presenter and photographer is Roy Lowe, former manager of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge complex for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, who will share stunning photos he has taken during visits to many National Wildlife Refuges. The Refuge system is comprised of 566 refuges that protect 850 million acres of lands and waters. Administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, these conservation areas occur in all 50 states, the Caribbean and far across the Pacific into the Eastern Hemisphere. In his presentation Roy will highlight the diversity of wildlife that can be observed on refuges along the Oregon Coast as well as refuges in other areas of the country.
The presentation is free and open to the public. For more information, call (541) 961-1307.