Date wrapper:

Planning Session on Geologic Hazards

July 8, 2019 - 6:00 PM
Newport City Hall
169 SW Coast Hwy
Newport, OR
Free—public meeting

Preliminary work on a parcel on Newport's Spring St., for a development which Oregon Shores has opposed.\Photo by Elaine Karnes.

At its Monday, July 8 meeting, the Newport Planning Commission will consider a proposed change to the city’s planning ordinances.  A work session begins at 6 p.m., with a formal hearing at 7.  This takes place at the Newport City Hall (169 S.W. Coast Hwy).

The issue of special interest to Oregon Shores is the city’s ordinance regarding geologic hazards.  The current ordinance requires that in order to challenge the report submitted by a would-be developer, citizens have to counter with a report by a certified geotechnical engineer.  This is a very expensive burden that makes it impossible for most citizens to participate in the land use process.  Oregon Shores strongly believes that any citizen should be able to challenge a report by a hireling of the applicant with his or her own common sense knowledge of the landscape.

For an agenda, when one is available, go to.

For more information, contact Derrick Tokos, the city’s community development director at