Date wrapper:

Portland Presentation Will Cover the Waterfront

August 29, 2015 - 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Multnomah Arts Center
7688 S.W. Capitol Highway
Portland, OR

Stewart Schultz
CoastWatch is presenting a full-morning survey of coastal habitats in Portland on Saturday, Aug. 29, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Multnomah Arts Center 7688 S.W. Capitol Highway, Room 30:, 7688 S.W. Capitol Highway. Our guide will be ecologist Stewart Schultz, author of The Northwest Coast: A Natural History, who served as lead instructor for our recently concluded series of shoreline science workshops. One of our goals for CoastWatch this year was to bring more educational opportunities to the Metro area—this is a significant fulfillment of that promise.  

Stewart will provide condensed versions of his core talks for the three days of the shoreline workshops--on beaches and dunes, tidepools and rocky shores, and mudflats and saltmarshes. This will be low-key and informal, with plenty of time for questions. 

Our primary goal is to provide background information for CoastWatchers and Oregon Shores members, but the event is open to all comers, so feel free to bring along others who are interested in coastal natural history (especially if they are potential future CoastWatchers and/or Oregon Shores members).  

This event is free, although donations will be eagerly accepted.

An RSVP is recommended but not required. If you RSVP, you will be "on the list" and guaranteed a spot. In all probability there will be plenty of room, but if you simply show up on the day and we draw a good crowd, you might be at risk of finding that it is "sold out." (An RSVP is especially recommended if you are coming from afar.)  
To RSVP or for more information, contact Phillip Johnson, CoastWatch/Oregon Shores director, at